Memories from Love in Paris

By Metaverse Studio

The Sandbox
3 min readMar 23, 2023

Welcome to Paris, the City of Love! Have fun visiting beloved landmarks and discover the French culture. Before leaving, don’t forget to get a souvenir from the Memories from Love in Paris NFT collection. From world-famous French personalities to iconic assets, these NFTs will definitely bring Parisian magic to your wallet.💖

The collection will be live from March 23rd, 3PM UTC, on The Sandbox Marketplace.

The Collection

Obelisk (left) ; Moris Column (middle) ; Balloon (right)
  • Obelisk—A massive piece of art to increase the magnificent of your land.
  • Moris Column — A Paris add displayer you can use in your urban experience.
  • Balloon — A massive balloon who can help you watch your land from the top.
Napoleon (left) ; French Flag (middle) ; Arcade Tape (right)
  • Napoleon — Play one of the most famous french emperor.
  • French Flag — Simply put, the french flag.
  • Arcade Tape — Play some old games on this amazing Arcade Tape.
Papafitgym (left) ; Edith (middle) ; Mimic (right)
  • Papafitgym — This character is awesome, it would be nice if he were real… Oh wait! He has an instagram!
  • Edith — A great singer who sang famous songs in the 50s.
  • Mimic — A silent comedian who takes you to an imaginary world of laughter and hapiness.
Parisian Bench Street (left) ; Jukebox (middle) ; Paris Steet Sign (right)
  • Parisian Bench Street — A parisian Bench to use on your urban land
  • Jukebox — A simple jukebox that can warm the room.
  • Paris Street Sign — A street sign from Paris.

See you on March 23rd, 3PM UTC, on The Sandbox Marketplace.

